The Trend and Mechanism of Intergenerational Income Mobility in China: An Analysis from the Perspective of Human Capital, Social Capital and Wealth 作者: Yuan, ZG (Yuan Zhigang)[ 1 ] ; Chen, L (Chen Lin)[ 2 ] 来源出版物: WORLD ECONOMY 卷: 36 期: 7 特刊: SI 页: 880-898 DOI: 10.1111/twec.12043 出版年: JUL 2013 被引频次: 0 (来自 Web of Science) 引用的参考文献: 24 [ 查看 Related Records ]
引证关系图 摘要: Intergenerational income mobility is the extent to which children's incomedepends on their parents. The increasing of intergenerational income mobilitycan relieve the social pressure caused by the income gap and provide the incentivefor hardworking and human capital investment. Using microdata and economicempirical technique, this study analyses the time trend and structuralmechanism of China's intergenerational income mobility in 1988-2005. Theresults suggest the intergenerational income mobility improves in the early period,then becomes stable and even shows a deteriorating sign recently. Humancapital, social capital and wealth explain more than 60 per cent of the intergenerationalincome mobility in China, with wealth contributing the largest proportion.Promoting education equality, eliminating the labour market segmentationand deepening the market-oriented reform are suggested to help improve theintergenerational income mobility in China. 入藏号: WOS:000321750400004 文献类型: Article 语种: English 通讯作者地址: Yuan, ZG (通讯作者)
Fudan Univ, Sch Econ, Shanghai 200433, Peoples R China.
Fudan University
出版商: WILEY-BLACKWELL, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA Web of Science 类别: Business, Finance; Economics; International Relations 研究方向: Business & Economics; International Relations IDS 号: 182NN ISSN: 0378-5920